LumiSoft Net Help
QuickSendSmartHost Method (localHost, host, port, ssl, userName, password, message)
NamespacesLumiSoft.Net.SMTP.ClientSMTP_ClientQuickSendSmartHost(String, String, Int32, Boolean, String, String, Mail_Message)
Sends message by using specified smart host.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++F#
public static void QuickSendSmartHost(
	string localHost,
	string host,
	int port,
	bool ssl,
	string userName,
	string password,
	Mail_Message message
Public Shared Sub QuickSendSmartHost ( 
	localHost As String,
	host As String,
	port As Integer,
	ssl As Boolean,
	userName As String,
	password As String,
	message As Mail_Message
static void QuickSendSmartHost(
	String^ localHost, 
	String^ host, 
	int port, 
	bool ssl, 
	String^ userName, 
	String^ password, 
	Mail_Message^ message
static member QuickSendSmartHost : 
        localHost : string * 
        host : string * 
        port : int * 
        ssl : bool * 
        userName : string * 
        password : string * 
        message : Mail_Message -> unit 
localHost (String)
Host name which is reported to SMTP server.
host (String)
Host name or IP address.
port (Int32)
Host port.
ssl (Boolean)
Specifies if connected via SSL.
userName (String)
SMTP server user name. This value may be null, then authentication not used.
password (String)
SMTP server password.
message (Mail_Message)
Mail message to send.
ArgumentNullExceptionIs raised when argument host or message is null.
ArgumentExceptionIs raised when any of the method arguments has invalid value.
SMTP_ClientExceptionIs raised when SMTP server returns error.

Assembly: LumiSoft.Net (Module: LumiSoft.Net.dll) Version: 4.5.5510.19119