LumiSoft Net Help
BeginConnect Method (localEP, remoteEP, ssl, callback, state)
NamespacesLumiSoft.Net.TCPTCP_ClientBeginConnect(IPEndPoint, IPEndPoint, Boolean, AsyncCallback, Object)
Starts connection to the specified remote end point.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++F#
[ObsoleteAttribute("Use method ConnectAsync instead.")]
public IAsyncResult BeginConnect(
	IPEndPoint localEP,
	IPEndPoint remoteEP,
	bool ssl,
	AsyncCallback callback,
	Object state
<ObsoleteAttribute("Use method ConnectAsync instead.")>
Public Function BeginConnect ( 
	localEP As IPEndPoint,
	remoteEP As IPEndPoint,
	ssl As Boolean,
	callback As AsyncCallback,
	state As Object
) As IAsyncResult
[ObsoleteAttribute(L"Use method ConnectAsync instead.")]
IAsyncResult^ BeginConnect(
	IPEndPoint^ localEP, 
	IPEndPoint^ remoteEP, 
	bool ssl, 
	AsyncCallback^ callback, 
	Object^ state
[<ObsoleteAttribute("Use method ConnectAsync instead.")>]
member BeginConnect : 
        localEP : IPEndPoint * 
        remoteEP : IPEndPoint * 
        ssl : bool * 
        callback : AsyncCallback * 
        state : Object -> IAsyncResult 
localEP (IPEndPoint)
Local IP end point to use for connect.
remoteEP (IPEndPoint)
Remote IP end point where to connect.
ssl (Boolean)
Specifies if connects to SSL end point.
callback (AsyncCallback)
Callback to call when the connect operation is complete.
state (Object)
User data.
Return Value
An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous connection.
ObjectDisposedExceptionIs raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
InvalidOperationExceptionIs raised when TCP client is already connected.
ArgumentNullExceptionIs raised when remoteEP is null.
ArgumentExceptionIs raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.

Assembly: LumiSoft.Net (Module: LumiSoft.Net.dll) Version: 4.5.5510.19119