LumiSoft Net Help
Fetch Method (uid, seqSet, items, callback)
NamespacesLumiSoft.Net.IMAP.ClientIMAP_ClientFetch(Boolean, IMAP_t_SeqSet, array<IMAP_t_Fetch_i>[]()[][], EventHandler<(Of <<'(EventArgs<(Of <<'(IMAP_r_u>)>>)>)>>))
Fetches specified message items.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++F#
public void Fetch(
	bool uid,
	IMAP_t_SeqSet seqSet,
	IMAP_t_Fetch_i[] items,
	EventHandler<EventArgs<IMAP_r_u>> callback
Public Sub Fetch ( 
	uid As Boolean,
	seqSet As IMAP_t_SeqSet,
	items As IMAP_t_Fetch_i(),
	callback As EventHandler(Of EventArgs(Of IMAP_r_u))
void Fetch(
	bool uid, 
	IMAP_t_SeqSet^ seqSet, 
	array<IMAP_t_Fetch_i^>^ items, 
	EventHandler<EventArgs<IMAP_r_u^>^>^ callback
member Fetch : 
        uid : bool * 
        seqSet : IMAP_t_SeqSet * 
        items : IMAP_t_Fetch_i[] * 
        callback : EventHandler<EventArgs<IMAP_r_u>> -> unit 
uid (Boolean)
Specifies if argument seqSet contains messages UID or sequence numbers.
seqSet (IMAP_t_SeqSet)
Sequence set of messages to fetch.
items (array<IMAP_t_Fetch_i>[]()[][])
Fetch items to fetch.
callback (EventHandler<(Of <(<'EventArgs<(Of <(<'IMAP_r_u>)>)>>)>)>)
Optional callback to be called for each server returned untagged response.
Fetch raises UntaggedResponse for ecach fetched message.
ObjectDisposedExceptionIs raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
InvalidOperationExceptionIs raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
ArgumentNullExceptionIs raised when seqSet or items is null reference.
ArgumentExceptionIs raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
IMAP_ClientExceptionIs raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.

Assembly: LumiSoft.Net (Module: LumiSoft.Net.dll) Version: 4.5.5510.19119