LumiSoft Net Help
QuickSendSmartHost Method (host, port, ssl, message)
NamespacesLumiSoft.Net.SMTP.ClientSMTP_ClientQuickSendSmartHost(String, Int32, Boolean, Mail_Message)
Sends message by using specified smart host.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++F#
public static void QuickSendSmartHost(
	string host,
	int port,
	bool ssl,
	Mail_Message message
Public Shared Sub QuickSendSmartHost ( 
	host As String,
	port As Integer,
	ssl As Boolean,
	message As Mail_Message
static void QuickSendSmartHost(
	String^ host, 
	int port, 
	bool ssl, 
	Mail_Message^ message
static member QuickSendSmartHost : 
        host : string * 
        port : int * 
        ssl : bool * 
        message : Mail_Message -> unit 
host (String)
Host name or IP address.
port (Int32)
Host port.
ssl (Boolean)
Specifies if connected via SSL.
message (Mail_Message)
Mail message to send.
ArgumentNullExceptionIs raised when argument host or message is null.
ArgumentExceptionIs raised when any of the method arguments has invalid value.
SMTP_ClientExceptionIs raised when SMTP server returns error.

Assembly: LumiSoft.Net (Module: LumiSoft.Net.dll) Version: 4.5.5510.19119